Atomic theme

The Best ColorFull terminal prompt theme inspired by a number of themes and based on the theme of @MunifTanjim brainy.

Supported on all operating systems.

In constant maintenance and improvement


Install Theme


You can install the theme manually by following these steps: Edit your modified config ~/.bashrc file in order to customize Bash-it, set BASH_IT_THEME to the theme name atomic.


# Use the "atomic" theme
export BASH_IT_THEME="atomic"

Automatically via terminal

  1. You can install the theme automatically using the sed command from your Linux or OSX Terminal.

  2. On macOS, the ~/.bash_profile is used, not the ~/.bashrc.

  3. For installation on windows you should use ``Git-Bash` <>`_ or make sure the terminal emulator you use (ej: cygwin, mintty, etc) has the sed command installed.

Command to execute For Windows and Linux:

# Set the "atomic" theme replacing the theme you are using of bash-it
sed -i 's/'"$BASH_IT_THEME"'/atomic/g' ~/.bashrc

Command to execute for macOS:

# Set the "atomic" theme replacing the theme you are using of bash-it
sed -i '' 's/'"$BASH_IT_THEME"'/atomic/g' ~/.bash_profile


Prompt Segments

  • Username & Hostname

  • Current Directory

  • SCM Information

  • Battery Charge

  • Clock

  • Todo.txt status

  • Ruby Environment

  • Python Environment

  • Exit Code


  • Indicator for cached sudo credential

  • Indicator for abort (ctrl + C) the current task and regain user control

  • atomic command for showing/hiding various prompt segments on-the-fly


Various prompt segments can be shown/hidden or modified according to your choice. There are two ways for doing that:

  1. On-the-fly using atomic command

  2. Theme Environment Variables

On-the-fly using atomic command

This theme provides a command for showing/hiding prompt segments.

atomic show <segment>

atomic hide <segment>

Tab-completion for this command is enabled by default.

Configuration specified by this command will only be applied to current and subsequent child shells.

Theme Environment Variables

This is used for permanent settings that apply to all terminal sessions. You have to define the value of specific theme variables in your bashrc (or equivalent) file.

The name of the variables are listed below along with their default values.

User Information

Indicator for cached sudo credential (see sudo manpage for more information):


SCM Information

Information about SCM repository status:


Ruby Environment

Ruby environment version information:


Python Environment

Python environment version information:


ToDo.txt status

Todo.txt status:





Format of the clock (see date manpage for more information):


Battery Charge

Battery charge percentage:


Exit Code

Exit code of the last command:


Prompt Segments Order

Currently available prompt segments are:

  • battery

  • char

  • clock

  • dir

  • exitcode

  • python

  • ruby

  • scm

  • todo

  • user_info

Three environment variables can be defined to rearrange the segments order. The default values are:

___ATOMIC_TOP_LEFT="user_info dir scm"

___ATOMIC_TOP_RIGHT="exitcode python ruby todo clock battery"


Development by

Developer / Author: Luis Felipe Sánchez

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.